Welcome to Willmo3's Website!

Hello! I'm Will Morris, a CS student at James Madison University.

I enjoy the finer things in life, like Minecraft, Freeciv, and Legos.

My research interests include programming languages, information theory, and high performance computing.

The beautiful mountains of Williserver!

I run the Williserver Minecraft server, along with a suite of accompanying plugins and scripts.

Visit the Page!

Freeciv gameplay

Over Covid, I started playing a Civ2 clone called Freeciv with my friends.

Now I've got a whole collection of Freeciv utilities called "Beeciv"!

Visit the Beeciv Github!

A Huffman tree

Over winter break, I built a Huffman compressor in Rust. It was a bit of a journey!

See on GitHub!

A simple makefile

When I was first learning C++, I got tired of "making" tiny makefiles all the time.

So I built FirstMake, a tool that does it for you!

See on GitHub!

The Lego Logo

I built a tool to select a personal Lego set based on your name.

Visit the Page!